Welcome to the Adventure

Step into a fantasy world where the battle between good and evil rages. A daughter of light and shadows embarks on a journey of discovery where the fate of two kingdoms hangs in the balance.

Aiyana d’Cyr has no idea who she is or what she’s capable of.

Seemingly born into a life of privilege, Aiyana dreams of adventure – the kind of adventure that slays dragons and saves worlds and yet still sleeps in a soft bed every night. She’s not above getting her hands (or the hem of her dress) dirty, but there’s always been someone there to clean up her messes and set everything right again.

Until, that is, the night she sets out on what she imagines will be the greatest adventure of her life. Instead, she wakes up aboard a filthy ship filled with girls just like her – all of them slaves bound for a distant land. But Aiyana is different, because the ship that seems to be taking her far from home is actually returning her to the place of her birth, and the sinister forces that have been awaiting her return.

Now, ripped from everything she knows, Aiyana will have to face a past that has been lurking in the shadows, and in doing so, she’ll discover a power within herself that can topple kingdoms and tip the balance between darkness and light.

As the two forces wage a war within her, Aiyana must decide which legacy she will choose…

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